
Let’s Steal From the Greatest Infographic Ever

Most B2B content marketing infographics suck. So what can we steal from one of the greatest infographic masterpieces of the genre?

07. 12. 2015

14 Ways to Present Information Visually

Making an infographic? An update of ’14 ways to present data visually’, with examples and tips and stuff

29. 03. 2015

Killing your babies.

An interview with Martin Oberhäuser, information designer.

17. 10. 2014

“Data comes from anywhere”

An interview with Jer Thorp, data artist.

12. 08. 2014

6 Infographics that designers love

A roundup of infographics that get respect from design folk.

24. 07. 2014

What’s an infographic?

Everybody’s doing infographics, but few people talk about the format: What it can and cannot do.

24. 06. 2014

The Velocity infographic challenge

Infographics are the hot visual format in content marketing. They’re also bloody hard to get right. Challenge’s on!

16. 05. 2014

LinkedIn for B2B Marketers 4: (finally) Some tips for Marketers

Many people tell marketers what to do with their social media engagements. Now we are going to do it too.

24. 10. 2012

Using Piktochart: a marketing technology review

A friend alerted me to Piktochart, the online Infographics creator so I thought I’d give it a try. Here’s my first impression after making two…

01. 06. 2012

B2B Content Marketing: Infographic Angles of Attack

Yes, there are good infographics and bad infographics. But, more importantly, there are different kinds of good inf

22. 02. 2012

How do the wheels fall off a website?

A colorful – if painful – story of how a big website can crash and burn. And an eBook on how to save them…

15. 08. 2011

Turns out a picture is worth at least 2,380 words

The old cliché “a picture is worth a thousand words” has been around forever so there must be some truth to it. But only a certain kind of…

06. 06. 2010