B2B Content Marketing Strategy

Why you should sessionize your content

What if you could sit on the shoulders of every prospect as they consumed your content. You kinda can.

The one word that should start every document

One magic word can improve the effectiveness of your marketing documents by 180%. Bet you can’t guess. Go on. Guess. Go on…

08. 08. 2016

Der Kessler spricht – The Content Marketing Deluge

In preparation for our Content Strategy Hangout,we talk to Doug about the imminent content marketing deluge.

12. 02. 2013

B2B Content Marketing Roundtable

Doug joined Joe Pulizzi of the CMI and Jim Burns of Avitage on this Marketing Made Simple TV show. Check it out.

21. 06. 2012

Diary of a Content Pimp 1 – The kick-off

The first in a series of posts telling the story behind the Content Marketing Strategy Checkllist campaign.

The B2B Content Marketing Strategy Checklist is born

A Content Marketing Strategy Checklist is born! We’re proud of our new baby and hope it helps you do great things.

Velocity’s B2B content marketing research trip to Paris

To stay at the cutting edge of B2B content marketing you can’t just sit in your office. So Velocity decided to get out of London and discover how B2B…

19. 12. 2011

Content Development using Inbound Writer

Ryan came across a blog post by Jay Baer on a tool called Inbound Writer which is designed to help writers create better B2B content marketing pieces. Jay…

12. 10. 2011